Here is our first family photo, I remember asking to feel your feet, Daddy was guiding my hand to your feet.

Jakob, you were the sweetest little baby, and still are the most sensitive and caring little boy. You are the best big brother and the sweetest son. You already know how to make a woman happy, with all your compliments for Sarah and I, ("Sarah you are the prettiest girl." "Mommy you are as pretty as a sunset." "Mommy your whole body looks so pretty.") You are going to be the best Husband and Daddy someday!
I love you so much and hope you had the most memorable 4th Birthday!
We started celebrating early, on Thursday, Daddy gave Jakob his first of many (I'm sure), Star Wars toys - they were a big hit!

Friday -Jakob's actual birthday- wearing his Birthday crown from school and showing off some new dinosaurs that Nana and Papa sent.

Today we had a dinosaur party at the house (it was raining off and on, so we squeezed 9, 4 year olds and their parents into our tiny house. We had lots of activities and lots of playing, screaming, laughing,a few meltdowns, and some energy release in the yard, in between the rain.
Oh, Jakob also told Mark that he was actually 5 years old now, because he already turned 4 yesterday and was having another party today so now he was 5! Too cute!
Here are Jakob and Ian getting an early start on coloring their Shrinky Dink insects. Yep we did Shrinky Dinks, I'm sure most of you 30 somthing's remember those! I think they were more fun for the parents!

Digging for fossils (in our sandbox on the porch)

The super yummy birthday cake - made by Auntie Amber! Jakob was so excited to have a cake "with candles". He told me this morning that he didn't know "what to wish for before I blow my candles out." The cake was AMAZING, chocolate cake with chocolate butter cream frosting with a bit of raspberries - so moist and tasty - everyone loved it - so Shout Out to Amber! Amber was also our nanny on the side at the party, taking care of Sarah during all of the commotion - thank god!! It was about an hour after the party started that I remembered "Oh yeah...where's my other kid" NICE! It was really crazy here, luckily we had beer, Kahlua and coffee and snacks to keep the adults happy too!

Lexy and Audrey, wearing their dinosaur faces!

Opening presents!

Happy Birthday Big Boy - Here's to many many many more!

Happy Birthday Jakob!
Sorry I missed the celebrations... I can't believe Jakob is 4 already! That 5th picture from the top, of him so tiny with the dark hair and sweet face, is soooo cute. I remember staring at it for hours; he was so beautiful then and now!
Much love, xoxoxo,
Auntie Bexy
Happy Birthday Jakob! Abby says she loves you. Her mama says that she got all teary remembering and hearing about your birth. So amazing. Love you guys. I LOVE the pic with his arms up over his head, such a little man.
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