Here is Sarah tonight, practicing her newest move - clapping!
Sarah, actually eating peas, without having a whole body convulsion, with disgust! She likes them, as long as they are frozen and as long as she can feed them to herself!

Jakob and Ian at their 1st basketball class - they will have 9 classes, every Saturday - Jakob seemed to like it, but kept asking when he was going to go to swimming lessons. The story is that I asked him which class he would rather take "Basketball or Swimming" and he said "Basketball", but I guess that didn't stick - that's a 3 year old mind for you! We will try to get to the indoor pool more this year!

Oh, and my little accomplishment - I grew a red bell pepper, I can't believe it! I am not a gardener, nor do I really enjoy it, but I planted some tomatoes and a pepper and they actually lived, not sure how the pepper will taste, but I did it! We also grew some strawberries, they were delicious, the ones that I got to have, Jakob ate most of them, as he does with the tomatoes! Maybe next year we will actually make a garden plot - when we have our own place - we'll see how adventurous I get! As we are in Portland longer and longer, it makes me want to garden, it's just the effort and knowledge of which at this moment I don't have either, but everyone around us does it! Plus, Jakob loves it.

Oh and a little first for Jakob, he watched Star Wars for the first time on Sunday and is ADDICTED, he has watched it in the morning and evening everyday since! I think he likes the spaceships and the "light savers" a.k.a. lightsabers. Like Father Like Son!
Pretty Veggies! I bought a book when we were in Sequim and it would be perfect for your place. "All New Square Foot Gardening" We were planning to come down Saturday but Steph's Aunt Loretta passed away (she lived with his dad and it was another cancer death) Since I missed his mom's funeral (when we were at Sherah's wedding) I just don't feel right about being gone on Saturday, plus now we'd have to come with out Josh too. Tell Jakob Happy Day and we miss him. Watch the mail early next week! Love, US!
Jess! Your pepper is awesome, I'm so proud of you. I just read tonight in Sunset mag that the Portland chocolate scene is one of the best. Yum. Abs is in soccer until the end of the month so we can't come down for Jakob's party, she really wants to see him though, keeps talking about cousin Jakob. Lets talk this week and nail down a weekend. Can't wait.
Thanks guys, I will miss you two this weekend, but I totally understand! Carla, I totally need to see that book, sounds perfect!
Chocolate huh - interesting, I heard about that on the radio but they were talking about Bend, OR.
Anyhow, I am busy planning a party for 8 4 year olds that will be stuck in our house - since it is going to rain! Love that!
IF you have any suggestions on games or activities let me know!
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