Monday, September 1, 2008

He Did It!

Mark ran in the Portland, Nike Human Race 10k on Sunday (the largest running event in the world) and did awesome! Jakob, Sarah and I waited at the finish line to cheer him on, we even had bells to ring. When the first runner crossed, Jakob yelled "Is it Daddy?"
Me: "No, honey, he'll be here soon."
Jakob: "But why isn't Daddy the fastest?"
Me: "Well....because there is only one winner? He'll be here soon, he is trying his hardest and that's what is important."
Jakob: "But why Daddy isn't the winner?" (yes that's the grammar that Jakob uses)
Again, I reiterate that there is only one winner, realizing that Jakob has thought that his parents are the best at everything until this point - reality is beginning to set in for him - we aren't the greatest at everything! Oh man just wait until he eats at someone else's house - what is he going to think of my cooking!

Anyhow, Mark did great with a time of 47 minutes 41 seconds - and his body held up very well.
We stayed around after the race to watch Nada Surf in concert. (The race that went on in Austin had Ben Harper - I'm sure - where does Portland rate - the race was at the Nike headquarters - C'mon!)

You can check out race info here:
Human Race

You can put in Mark's name and see his time.

Good Job Daddy! We are so proud of you and can't wait to see you race again!


Bexy said...

Congrats Mark! That is so awesome!

I am a little worried about you guys with Jakob now, though. He's starting to see that you aren't omnipotent, all-powerful human beings in control of the universe, and that is dangerous. Is it appropriate to tell him that Mark let the others win because they would be very sad if they didn't? Is that mean?

-a said...

Good Job Mark!!! =)

Wendy said...

Awesome Mark- glad your body held up. Are you going to do another?