Ian and his baby brother Dillon (just turned 1 year), came over to do some trick or treating with Jakob. The big boys totally scored on the candy and had a great time with their Daddies (who were drinking White Russians in coffee mugs as they went door to door - oh yeah - they claim that they ran into more parents in the neighborhood drinking beer and wine while trick or treating - it's like candy for adults right!). I figure as long as everyone came home in one piece and had a good time, it's all good!
The babies stayed home with the Moms, and helped hand out candy - with an occasional attempt at escaping out of the front door.
Ian and Jakob on the move

Trick or Treat!

Ian (Construction Worker) and Dillon (Baby Doctor in scrubs), Jakob (Buzz Lightyear) and Sarah (Wonder Woman). Note - my kids won't sit still for a picture!

Wonder Woman, making a quick escape!

Best Buds!

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