Last night Jakob was up all night long coughing (dry cough), no fever, but some nasal drainage this am - (details for those in the medical field). I was on the phone with his Pediatrician at 11:30pm figuring out how not to take him to the ER - the steamy shower, honey tea and sitting out on the cold porch eventually worked - he slept from 12:30am - 4am, then started coughing. Anyhow he went to see Dr. Joel this morning and was all clear - lungs looked fine and he's of course been doing much better today. Dr. Joel checked me out too - my throat is not doing so well, but no strep - as of now. We tried to stay home, but got a little bit antsy, so we went to the coffee shop for tea and hot chocolate and a walk in the fog. We had chicken and stars soup (We - means Sarah and I also) - more honey, more steamy bathroom time, a 3 hour nap for Jakob (1 hour nap for Sarah, 20 minute nap for the Mama) and then dinner, another walk, steamy shower, honey and hopefully a good nights sleep! AAH, hopefully I don't get too sick either. Sarah is working on cutting her top teeth, so we'll see how tonight goes for her!
Someday I will sleep again! Oh and as for Mark, he is taking an appraising class which has him up at all hours of the night writing! So, nobody is sleeping around here - this morning Mark said "I feel like we have a newborn again."
Tough times, but luckily our kids are so darn cute, or we would have to return them!!
Anyhow, the title to this post "Home Sick" has 2 meanings, we were home sick today, but I'm also home sick for my Mom! Everyone needs there Mom to take care of them when they are sick, I feel like I did my job and now I need someone to take care of me! BOOHOO!!!
Here is Sarah, waking Jakob up from his 3 hour nap (we had to wake him as it was 4:30pm!) Oh and Jakob has been sleeping in our recliner to help with the snot drainage - thank goodness we have the recliner but too bad it's in our bedroom!

Oh and a random picture of Sarah, who got stuck in her carseat, while searching and finding tasty crumbs!
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