Today, Mark took Jakob sledding in the a.m., then we had Ian and his Dad, Peter over for what we thought would be a play date with horse and carriage rides (free in our neighborhood today), but they ended up cancelling this event, I'm assuming because of all the snow. So, instead the kids played in the snow, drank hot chocolate and watched a movie.
Sarah keeping busy inside, while Jakob was sledding with Daddy.

Busy with toilet paper!

More toilet paper fun - now Jakob is getting into it. we had a serious toilet paper party! Seriously, I'm not sure why we even buy any gifts for Christmas, boxes and toilet paper go a long way!

1 comment:
I can't believe all that snow!
LOVE the toliet paper! When Christopher was 4 we bought him one of those little tiny remote controled cars for Christmas. It was so small we put it in a microwave popcorn box and wrapped it. Christmas comes and I'm all excited that he is going to love this car. He rips open the paper then holds the box over his head "Popcorn! Yeah! Popcorn!". I felt a little bad that there was no popcorn in there, he was so darn excited! The next year he asked for a ceiling fan and calendar from Santa. Who needs toys?
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