Ok, even though I complain about Roxy sometimes - with her constant shedding, anxiety, need to figure out if any of the kid/baby toys could be hers too, and constant need to crap whenever we go to the beach - seriously it's like a laxative for her, oh - and her never ending need to barf on any new carpet around - she is still a really great dog! She is so wonderful with the kids.
Here are a few of my favorite pics and some of my most unfavored pics of her - you'll understand soon:
Roxy's first meeting with Jakob - she was so sensitive with him, not sure about him, as you can see by her ears, but still so sweet.

Again being such a good dog.

Don't let the following picture fool you, here she is being so sweet with baby Jakob, letting him ride on her back. But, take a closer look at what Roxy is doing, no she isn't barfing on the carpet but still managing to hack something up at the beach!

Here she is trying to figure out who's stuffed duck this really is?

And here she is protecting new baby Sarah, so sweet again!

Don't let the sweetness get to you, here she is in all of her glory at the beach, a.k.a. her natural laxative: (obviously Mark took this picture, I would never care to remember this moment. When Mark took this shot, a man was walking by and no joke, said "Sweet Shot" - Men!)

And here she is yesterday with Sarah. These pics are the reason for this post.

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