As most everybody knows, Mark is adopted and LOVES his adopted family and with their support, he was able to find his birth Mom, Molly. He contacted her in October and they have been emailing daily and have talked on the phone a few times. Mark found out that he has 4 half sisters and a bunch of aunts and uncles! Mark has always been interested in finding Molly and even wrote her a letter last year, but didn't send it until this October. I won't comment on Mark's feelings and why he didn't and then did send the letter, just know that a lot of thought went into it and that the time had to be right for him. Somehow, the universe was just right for the both of them at this very moment, and a very positive connection was made.
She responded a couple days after receiving the letter and they've been talking ever since. Mark totally has her sense of humor, a bit crazy, sarcastic and hysterical. He also has her thick/unruly hair (although you can't tell that she has unruly hair - it's beautiful) - everybody remembers what Mark's hair looks like when it's grown out! I think he has her eyebrows and eyes - and I think he shares that with his sisters too. They are all gorgeous and excited to meet Mark also! I can't imagine Mark around 5 women. Mark's Mom, Kathy, sent him an album of kid pics to show Molly, I can't wait for the girls to see some of the Jr. High pics - look out Mark - you thought Ang and I could make fun of you - wait till you have a room of 5 women!! Really, Mark was cute in Jr. High, it's just the "business in front, party in the back" hairstyle that he had - too funny! I know he was very hip at the time, as was I with my ratted bangs but his is still way worse! I again, maybe you won't cry at this posting, hopefully you'll at least smile! After a couple months, Mark and Molly decided that they should meet, so he did that today!
Mark flew out to Omaha (where Molly and her girls live), to meet them for the first time. He got up at 4:45 this am, after a restless 4 and half hours sleep last night, and rushed off to the airport, only to have some delays! He and Molly had the longest day ever. I can only imagine what kind of emotions they were feeling in waitng to see each other and then the overwhelming emotions that must have been running thru the two of them as they met - aah - it gives me chills. I am so proud of Mark for doing this, it took a lot of courage, compassion and strength. And of course, I am so glad that Molly and her whole family have been so open and caring about this also.
I truly believe things happen for a reason and I know Mark was given up for adoption and adopted by his family for many great reasons - whether it was God or the universe (whatever you believe in) who knew that it would be best to be brought up with his lovely and sometimes crazy family, or God knowing that if he wasn't given up, Molly's life would have been much harder, or whatever - there are so many reasons this happend. What I do know, is that if it hadn't been for this selfless act, I wouldn't have the amazing husband and father of my children, that I've got today! (Can you imagine the life I might be leading had I not met Mark, it would be so boring - or on the other hand I might be living as a single woman, livin' it up - hmm... one can dream!) KIDDING!
I know today December 11th, 2008 will be a very memorable day for Mark and Molly, I can only hope that this will finally bring some sense of closure and connection for the both of them!
Here are the first pics (taken so kindly by Molly's sister Barb) of them together, for the first time in 32 years:
That is wonderful!! I am so happy for everyone! Teary eyed for sure!
Yay! These pics are so great - this is so exciting - I can't wait to hear more stories!!
I also still can't get over how much she looks like Julie!!
PS: It's so true about things happening for a reason... The Coffee Bean would not have been the same without Mark! Or these last 15 years... :-)
PPS: And, if you didn't have the chance to meet Mark you would have married Ted Rust! Tee hee!! xo
Oh my gosh Rebecca you crack me up! I am so happy that is was such a good experience so far and that Kathy has been supportive. The pics are great, I can't believe how much he resembles her.
That is amazing Jess - he looks like her doesn't he! Wow, what an awesome Christmas present - and yes, my eyes are welling :)
So awesome. I've been thinking about you guys for the last 4 days, knowing he was going soon but not sure what day. OMG- I can't believe the pictures, can you imagine if you were her seeing your son for the first time in his 30's, totally emotionally overwhelming. Must be so cool for Mark to see how much he looks like her. Big hugs to you guys and especially Mark. Love you so much.
Hi Guys! Its Molly from the photos! I will tell you what it was like: OMG!! I am so happy! I feel like everything is right with the world. There were things in life I lost faith in, and I have that faith back. I saw Mark walking down the hallway toward us and I started jumping up and down like a twit and told my sister Barb, the photographer "There he is! There he is!". From then on, it was joyous, but felt totally normal. I felt right. He will have to speak for himself, but he looked happy. It was really neat! And I have to thank Kathy for being such a generous Mom, as only someone who cared deeply about Mark would be sure to let him know he had a second mom out there and he could look her up if he wanted to. And thank you Jess, Jakob and Sarah, for loaning out your husband and dad. And thank you Mark for being courageous enough to send a letter out to someone who could easily have said sorry..not interested. You are very brave. I am so proud of you. I am so proud I just can't stop smiling. Your whole family is lovely. And you, Mark, are just a light to my soul. Love, Molly
Oh my god, well if I wasn't crying before, I am totally crying now. I'm so glad that this insanely amazing turn of events is turning out so well for all concerned. (It's so crazy to have this e-venue to sort of spy on the process, so to speak. Especially cool to see Molly speak up here, too!).
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