Sunday, July 20, 2008

Missing My Boys!

Since Mark and Jakob have been gone, I have been enjoying my time as a single parent of a 6 month old - I forgot how easy life was with just one kiddo! Especially a 6 month old that isn't mobile yet and doesn't argue or throw tantrums, want your constant attention/imagination, or want you to make snacks or meals all the time (just to name a few differences between a 6 month old and a 3 1/2 year old)! Without a husband, I've been eating out every night or eating the left overs from my night out the day before and not thinking about making meals until I'm actually hungry, and of course I've been watching a lot of chick flicks, what more could I want!

I've been keeping busy doing this:
Walking to the river and dog park, shopping at children's resale shops, painting a new computer table, going out to coffee and lunch with Julie, went on a hike with Roxy and Sarah (this evening) and talking on the phone!

 I can't imagine what I would do with myself if I didn't have a kid, what do single people do?! Well, they probably hang out with friends, go to the gym, take up a hobby (maybe knit or read), have a drink or two, go to the movies or a concert, go shopping without having to worry about if their kid has to take a nap, if they need a sitter etc etc etc. 

Life has been busy and fun the last couple days, but it's also been terribly lonely. I am enjoying Sarah as much as possible, but am dying to have a big hug from Mark and Jakob. I wait by the phone every night for the phone call from Jakob saying "I love you and miss you Mommy." Those calls have been few and far between b/c the cell reception is terrible there.
So, although I love the free time I have now,  I wouldn't change my normally busy, loud, challenging days with the family all together!

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