Aubs is a great parent herself and took on both kids so that Mark and I could go out to dinner - we didn't make it to the movie that we planned on going to - a bit too tired! Jakob developed a bit of a crush on Aubrey - this was evident by him telling his buddy Ian to "Look at Aubrey!" (with a big smile on his face) instead of "This is my friend Aubrey". Aubrey played soccer with Mark and his team one day, she even kicked some of the guys butts - or so I hear! Aubrey got to experience our oh so luxurious Volvo and all of it's amenities - like the door handles that don't work- we all had a great laugh at Mark trying to fit in the back of the Volvo with the 2 car seats on each side!
Aubrey is planning on trying for a girl with her next pregnancy and may have just got pregnant by taking care of Sarah - Aubs has some serious motherly instincts kicking in!! We will cross our fingers for that little girl.
While Aubrey was up here giving us all her selfless acts of kindness - the kindness continued around the world. The day Aubs flew in, her son got a pea stuck in his nose (as you do when you're an almost 2 year old boy)- Aubrey's boss (a Vet) so kindly removed it, instead of them having to take him to the Pediatrician. Aubrey's husband Danny, was on his own with Zack for a few days and was invited to eat dinner with neighbors - which Aubrey was happy about as they wouldn't be eating pizza or fast food. And, Aubrey's Mom, Christi, continued to spoil Zack and took him overnight one night, so Danny could rest by himself! So, the acts kindness continue! Oh- Danny did come to realize how important Aubrey is as a Mother and Wife, while she was gone - this was probably the best thing to happen for her while she was away - right ladies!!!
I have always known this, but it became very clear to me how important it is to have friends that you can trust to see you and your family in not the best light and actually want to stay with you - while we all are a bit cranky and testy from lack of sleep etc. It is so important to have a good friend that doesn't judge you one bit about your cranky attitude, your pudgy body, your small and a bit unmanaged house, your cars that are breaking down and/or anything else that might not be perfect.
We do have the most perfect friends though!!
Anyhow, I had a wonderful week with a great friend. I can not wait to return the favor!!! Aubrey and family - thanks so much from the bottom of our hearts May the kindness continue!
Aubrey and Sarah