So, after being home for 2 days in the snow with 2 little kids, I have learned a few things - some helpful and some not so helpful.
1. After putting on your 4 year old's long underwear, pants, snow suit, sweater, coat, scarf, hat, gloves and boots - don't say that you have to go potty, or else they remember that they do too!! So, I've learned to ask if he needs to go before we put all the layers on.
2. Don't wear black fleece when you have a snotty 10 1/2 month old - all I see on the fleece now is dried snot on the shoulders, chest and arms. Seriously, Sarah thinks I am her tissue!
3. On the subject of tissue, instead of bringing along tissue and having to search for it in your pocket with mittens or gloves on, I've started using our old receiving blankets as huge handkerchief's - sounds gross, but it works. Also, Sarah likes to chew on them - helps her teeth I guess - even grosser!
4. Try to wait to put the 4 layers on the toddler until they have pooped - although it is unpredictable, it sucks when it does happen. We've started waiting until after 11 am to go out now, as Sarah usually poops in the early am. That may be too much info for some of you - but so what, it's the truth!
5. When you tell your 4 year old that they can do snow angels anywhere, maybe be a bit more specific, like, maybe not in the driveway or in the street.
6. When you don't have a sled that has a rope tie to go around an adults waist - I would like one, but they are all sold out at our neighborhood store - you can drill holes in the saucer and put rope thru it. Umm, no I didn't do this, I'm not that handy, but the man at the store told me I could and I said "Ok, sounds good." With no intention of doing it. That is sooo a job for Mark, I know I could do it, but I don't know where we have rope! I'm sounding really wimpy or girly here, but I don't have the motivation to do that right now!
7. A 4 year old is happy sledding whether it's on a downhill or just on the sidewalk. I didn't want to lug the saucer, stroller, kids etc. to the park for sledding, plus - again what do I do with Sarah, keep her in the stroller at the bottom of the hill or at the top? I could have carried her in the backpack, but the wind was so cold, she was much warmer in the stroller with the rain cover on. Anyhow, I told Jakob he could sled in our yard, very tiny hill and on the sidewalk, he was happy with that - it's a good warm up to the sledding we will do on Xmas eve at Mt. Hood. Plus, Sarah thought it was hysterical, I'm not sure if she was laughing at me trying to push Jakob or at Jakob's big grin.
8. I really love snow days with kids, every walk is an adventure. Jakob decided he likes to "street ski", meaning slide on the ice in the street. He did fall yesterday, right on his bottom, but now he knows what "CAREFUL STEPS" mean, when I yell at him!
9. Somehow kids don't get cold! What the heck, Jakob is telling me he is hot while walking with a gust of wind in our face, and it being 22 degrees outside - meanwhile, I can't feel my fingers in my good snow mittens!
10. Feeding ducks after it has snowed is kind of funny, but sad too. Parts of the park's pond were frozen and watching the ducks and the geese try to race for the bread that we were throwing them, was really funny! We had a good laugh, but I did feel kind of bad! Shouldn't they have flown south?
11. A kid will eat most any snow, seriously, I told Jakob to be careful about what snow he eats, no yellow or brown snow. So, with his critical thinking skills at an all time high, he started to lick the snow off of the car! All I could think about was that movie "A Christmas Story", where the kid gets his tongue stuck to a pole! This didn't happen, but I did have to explain that snow on the car or the hand rails to our porch isn't a good idea to eat, even though the snow in these spots don't have "pee or poop" on them - as Jakob told me!
We have another snow day tomorrow, no school/work for the kids and myself, so I'm home with them again. Mark is on a very late flight home tonight! So, I should hopefully get the camera and take some pics of the kids in what is left of the snow.