Thursday, August 9, 2007

It's a girl!

So, I have yet to take the belly picture, so busy - who knew you could be so busy w/life and a 2 1/2 year old!
Anyhow, thanks to Mark who posted the ultrasound pics. I thought I'd share a little more about our ultrasound experience. We took Jakob with us, which was very interesting. The appointment itself was really long, a tech did the ultrasound for about an hour then the MD came in to do another one to confirm everything was where it should be and to confirm that this little lady is measuring smaller than my dates - she is about 18 1/2 weeks - not 20 - so that puts the due date at 1/7/08.
While we were watching the ultrasound I thought for sure I saw a penis - which turned out to be the umbilical cord, I was certain it was a boy until the tech said "It's the absence of certain parts that confirms that it's a girl" I couldn't believe it. He also said "I see a definite hamburger sign", which kind of grossed us out, but that meant that he could trace her genitalia - which then looks a bit like a hamburger - we did not get a picture of that!
I'm still in a bit of shock as I've prepared myself for 2 boys and not having to deal with all the drama that goes around girls!
Thru this pregnancy Jakob has been saying that we are having a girl/sister but when we told him today he said "I don't want a sister", lovely! But, he eventually came around to liking the idea by the end of the appointment. He started to say "I'm going to have a sister...I'm going to be a big brother." When I dropped him off at school today the teachers freaked out about us having a girl - super excited and all the kids were clapping so, I think that made him a bit more excited too.

The day after we found out that Jakob was a boy I went into the Baby Gap and left crying because I was sure he was a girl and I got so sad that there weren't any cute clothes for boys (which later I realized it must have been off season because there totally are cute clothes for boys). Well today I redeemed myself and my emotions and went out shopping right after the appointment, yes, I bought a little pink onsie that says "Daddy's little dear" and hat to match - the hat has deer on it - too cute, I couldn't resist. I'm dying to buy girl shoes/boots for the winter etc - but I'm holding back!!

Life is changing all the time for us, this is such an amazing time.

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