Not sure when this was taken, but I had to put it in, Sarah is a hot mess here, not sure where she is coming from or where she is going, but she's ready with dress shoes and her cell phone!
Dying Easter eggs! Sarah managed to crush a few and get her hands dyed some horrific looking pink color that stayed for days, but a good time was had by all!
Ben working hard on his blue egg! He was very patient.
Serious work with Auntie Ang!
Hiking boys!
Sarah, crazy girl, dancing with her 3 D glasses on! Why wouldn't you do this?!
Ben's 5th birthday!
Look at those cutie pie lips!
3 musketeers!
An attempt at a group photo!! Of course the 2 year old is on the move!
A visit to the park, Sarah is showing off her, "I'm a real monkey man ," move, where she hangs on anything she can!
The whole gang!!!

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