We had such nice weather this weekend - sunny and we even hit 70 degrees, unbelievable! My poor body doesn't know what to think of it, how can I be sweating at 70 degrees!
We did quite a few things, went to the zoo on Saturday morning, where we celebrated Packy's birthday - the eldest male elephant turned 48!
We took lots of trips to the park, I even got a couple walks in by myself! Mark had "guys night" on Saturday, so the kids and I walked up to the Lucky Lab for pizza and a hard cider - much enjoyed by me!! We sat outside in the sun, it was fantastic.
Kids hit the sack when we got back and I caught up on all my girl TV!
Sunday, Mark had a soccer game, we tagged along, the kids played with another little girl (Emma 18 months), Jakob was the best helper for her. I swear that kid could start babysitting already, he is so responsible and so caring.
This afternoon we spent outside at the park, Sarah doing her monkey man business, and building "castles" in the wood chips. Jakob played frisbee and baseball with Mark.
I really noticed tonight how strikingly different Sarah is than Jakob, she was on the tire swing with 2 other girls that she didn't know and was the life of the party, not shy, totally the clown, she was making crazy animal noises and they were laughing hysterically at her - they all got off the swing and played together (and these girls were 3 and 4 years old). I can see a future "class clown" on our hands.
Jakob is so reserved when it comes to finding new friends, he is definitely getting better at it and actually played with the neighbor kids quite a bit this weekend for hours at a time - which is new and wonderful for us! But, they are just so different, I don't know if it's a girl thing to be more social or if it's their personalities, Jakob is really a watch and see and put all the pieces together kind of guy, where as Sarah just jumps right in and tells you all about it - hmm, wonder where she gets that from?!
So, Sarah played awhile with her little buddies, until her attention span ran out, then she proceeded to take her socks leggings, and her shoes off, and played in the wood chips - with bare feet! If anyone has been around Jakob and wood chips, Oh man, you know this is totally the opposite of him!
They are such amazing kids, their quirks make me nuts, but I so LOVE them and enjoy every little moment with them!
Oh, I should mention Sarah's newest thing to do is to ask you if you are ok, like if you are sitting on the couch:
"You ok Mama, your tummy hurting?", "You cold Mama?", "You sad Jabub?", "You need a hug", "You tired Dadda?"
It's the cutes thing!!
And Jakob is really getting into pretend play, he brought his sword to the park today and wore his pirate eye patch to Trader Joe's, had to take it off to see to push his cart around though!
Jakob and Sarah are both loving an old Jack Johnson song, one of my favorites, "Bubble Toes", we've been playing it in the car daily on our ride home, they both totally groove to the part where he says "Move like a jellyfish, rhythm is nothing", they are moving their arms and legs, it is so cute! Jakob says, "Yeah Daddy, I like the part in that song where Jack says - this little girl came and she sat next to me...move like a jellyfish..." He can almost get that whole part! I love it!!
Here they are, celebrating Packy's birthday with their elephant ears!

Oh and there was cake, of course enjoyed by all!

"I'm a real monkey man!"

"Look Mama, I'm so big!"