Thursday, July 9, 2009


Jakob is home with me this summer (Sarah is going to daycare 3 days a week, to keep her spot), which works out kind of nice, although Jakob is really missing his friends - had a breakdown today about that. I explained that I am off in the summer and would be bored without him, then went over all the activites we will be doing this summer, and he was ok with it - we'll see how long that lasts! Poor guy, he went from pre school, to vacation with tons of people and fun to coming home to be with only me!! We are trying to keep busy with activities, one being Baseball Class thru the community center. It's a week long class, the last one being tomorrow with a grand finale game against the parents! He really likes baseball for the hitting, but is a good thrower and a great sprinter. He has a hard time with waiting, he kicks dirt or picks weeds - I can't blame him, it's pretty boring just standing around! Next week he is taking tennis - his choice!

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