Thanks Carla for this, I also like blogging about nothing, it makes me appreciate what is going on in our lives right now!
Outside my window...I hear nothing, a breeze blowing the leaves maybe, mostly I hear our fan going as it is 90 degrees and we don't have AC! It's actually very quiet in our new little neighborhood. Earlier I enjoyed the sounds of Jakob laughing with his friends he made - they are visiting their Grandma who lives a couple doors down.
I am thinking...that I am glad we got a new stroller tonight - LOVE Craigslist!! A jogger with a swivel wheel for super cheap. Hopefully we really like it!
I am thankful...for nights that my family has low expectations for dinner - thank you Carla for this - I just copied it from her!
From the kitchen...Jakob's request, fish sticks, sweet potatoes and salad. We ate outside on our patio, in the shade - so nice!
I am plaid'ish skirt from Target and a 2 year blueish top that matches.
I am albums, trying desperately to put pictures away from months and months ago. Also, trying to create in my head, pictures of the farmers market, produce etc, that could hang on our kitchen wall? We'll see.
I am going...berry picking with Jakob in the morning, hoping to get to the blueberries before the heat sets in!
I am reading...a bunch of different magazines from the library!
I am hoping...that Jakob won't wake up with a nightmare tonight - we've had a 2 week stretch of this!
I am hearing...Jakob tossing around, turning pages in his books, when he should be sleeping! Sarah snoring.
Around the house...things are looking a bit organized, as I vacuumed tonight and had to put away the toys!
One of my favorite things...the vodka/grapefruit juice "Greyhound" that I am drinking to hopefully put me to sleep tonight. I fell asleep with Jakob today on accident and took a long nap- also a favorite thing -I needed it, but I know I'll be up late!
A few plans for the rest of the week...berry picking, tennis w/Jakob, gardening with the kids at Amber's, sand castle festivel in Pioneer Square, more berry picking with Amber - Mark is gone rafting for a bachelor party on Saturday, so will be out with the kids on Saturday!