I think the crawling thing is also more difficult the second time around - because now we have Legos, blocks, cars and other small toys to worry about a baby putting in their mouth!
I am trying to post a video of Sarah crawling but it's not working, will keep trying! Sarah is trying to pull herself up to things as you can see in one of the pictures. She has already had her first forehead bruise from the corner of the table that she is crawling up on. We've moved most everything out of the way, but she still finds things that seem a bit sketchy to be holding onto or to be putting in her mouth!

Jakob had his last swim lesson for the summer tonight, he did amazing - a total 180 from the first class 2 weeks ago, where he threw a fit about getting into the water. Tonight he actually put his whole head under the water. I don't have a picture of him completely under, just of his face - still an amazing accomplishment for him! His teacher, Megan, was asking him to put his face in when he just sat down and dunked his whole head and body under, she couldn't believe it and neither could I! I was sooooo proud! At the end of the swim lessons they gave the kids gold medals, Jakob's response was, "But I'm not the fastest in the world, I'm not like Michael Feps (Phelps) from the Lympics". Too funny. I told him he got it for being the only kid in his class to put his head under the water today - he thought that was so cool and said "I am so proud of myself!"
I wish we could continue swim lessons, now that he is so confident, but summer is ending and I am returning to work and I can't imagine going to the pool every night after work. So, we will try to get in a class in the fall at the indoor pool - although Jakob was adamant that he would have swim lessons in the outdoor pool in October - I don't think so, not in Portland!
Face under the water!

Getting his "Flower Watered" (The kids pretend to plant seeds on their heads and the teachers make them grow). This was the first time he didn't put his arm up in front of his face.

Oh and Sarah cut her second bottom tooth! She has also been sleeping a bit better, but we have had the A/C on and the fans on all night, so I may not have heard her either! Either way, we are getting a bit more sleep - but tonight it is 82 degrees in the house still, Jakob is still awake (10:30pm) - says it's too hot to sleep and it is - so I'm not counting on much sleep!
1 comment:
Finally catching up after our weekend! Sarah looks gorgeous in that blue! What a pretty baby girl!
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