My Mom is here and we are having a great time with her. We (Nana, Mark, me, the kids and Amber) went out the the Smith family farm (no relation to Wendy's family as far as I know!) in Hillsboro to pick raspberries today. It's a great little farm with organic berries, some chickens and goats to feed, a super cute nursery and store/market with homemade berry shakes - really yummy of course! Jakob is an expert berry picker, he really enjoyed it and got pretty serious about it and made sure that he had "the mostest" in his bucket. He also made sure that Nana wasn't lonely picking by herself. We ate quite a few berries while picking but still ended up with a ton of berries. I don't have a picture of Mark's bucket, be he filled his with raspberries and Marionberries. Needless to say we have a plethora of berries - will need an easy recipe for jelly or something (Wendy advice please!). We will be making a raspberry cobbler tomorrow.
Jakob showing off one of his raspberries

Sarah rode in the Ergo for the picking part - obviously not too enthused here, she really wanted to just grab the plants and put them in her mouth - not the greatest idea! She eventually got go on her first wagon ride after we were done picking.

Jakob doing double duty - eating the berries while pulling Sarah

jakob showing off the loot!

Feeding the chickens
Oh Fun! I wanna go! Of course, when we get there, there won't be any berries but someday, I wanna go!
Freezer jam is the easiest Jess. Sure-Jell makes a low sugar one which is still pretty high in sugarbut at least will set. I just got a new brand called Pomona's universal Pectin that you can put any amount of sugar in you want.
Good luck, the berries look fantastic- the box should say if you need to add anything else to the berries. Sounds yummy!
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