At the berry farm: "What are the rules here?" How age appropriate is that!
Randomly to me "Mommy I am older than Sarah, because I was in your tummy first right?"
Me: "Yes Jakob that's right"
J: "Yeah and Sarah was in someone Else's tummy until she was in yours?"
Me: "No, she wasn't even made yet."
J: "Oh, where to babies come from?"
Me: Huge smile and trying not to laugh, "They come from Mommies and Daddies"
J: "How are they made?"
Me: Coughing, smiling and trying to stall to remember what I told him in the past. "Well Mommies and Daddies mix up all their love and make a baby."
J: "Oh," and off to play he went
In bed after getting an eyelash in his eye (really he has a terrible problem where his entire top lid of lashes flips into his eye - it's horrible - this happened then he got just one eyelash in his eye): "Why do I have to have such long eyelashes?"
Me: "Well that's the way you were made, and someday your wife will love them!"
J: "Who will I marry?"
Me: "I don't know, who do you think you'll marry?"
J: "Nana, I love Nana"
Right before many a meltdowns/whining fits we are battling: "NO, I just want to tell you something!!!" Feet stomping and a lot of shoulder shrugging.
"Mommy lets have a dance party....please Mommy....I need to shake my wiggles out and I want to dance behind your booty" (lovely I know - hopefully he won't be that creepy guy at the club that just comes up behind girls and dances with them randomly - ladies you know what I'm talking about!).
Tonight: "Nana do you want to see my new moves (dance moves)?"
"Mommy smell my stinky feet...please smell's not gross...please." (all while laughing hysterically)
"No, I am the Mother Velociraptor, you are the Daddy." Jakob is big into dinosaurs right now and very big into pretending to be the Mother or Mommy.