Since my last post, lots has happened, in a nut shell: Nana and Papa visited for almost 2 weeks (heaven), Jakob turned 6 (where did the time go!) and I flew to CA for an interview and we have decided to make the move back down south (to Oceanside, in about a month!!!) - so yes, a lot has gone on!
Sarah has finally found someone she can wrap around her finger!
Sarah and Papa

Cutie pies in the rain, actually while Nana and Papa were here we only had a couple days in the rain! I am happy to be moving to the sun, but I will certainly miss wearing rain boots and stomping in puddles!

Jakob's 6th Birthday - he wanted a "BUG" party! We went to Out of This World Pizza, the kids played like crazy and enjoyed pizza and ice cream cake (chocolate ice cream and chocolate cake - Jakob would have nothing else!)

This year Jakob was really into anything Lego's, he got gift cards and money that he even spent on Lego sets. Nana and Papa took him to the Lego store to pick out whatever he wanted - he now has at least 5 Lego helicopters that he has built on his own!
We got him the game "Battleship" which he likes to kick Daddy's butt at!
The whole crazy Kindergarten age gang! Seriously goofy kiddos!

Can't wait to spend more time with these guys in CA!!

Another of Sarah and her spoiler!

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