Monday, October 25, 2010

Spilling the news

Well, we told Jakob and Sarah last night at dinner that we are going to make the move to California. Actually, Mark said "What would you think about moving to California?"
Jakob's face just lit up with a coy grin, "That would be ok" and Sarah said with her hand being raised in the air several times "Oh me, me, me!" I think this meant she wanted to go too?!
Jakob's second thing he said was "I guess we can just come back on a plane to visit Ian and stuff, right?"
"Exactly Jakob", I thought he was so mature to say that and not start to get upset or cry over leaving his good buds.
Mark showed him the school he will attend - pictures on the website, I talked about wearing uniforms and going to the after care - none of it phased him. He was sure that he would still have "play time and school time at the after care too," which is correct.
Of course the idea of riding in the moving truck really got him excited.
At bedtime, Mark went into snuggle him and he said that Jakob was "giddy" about the move, talking about seeing Nana and Papa, hiking in the sunshine, going to the beach etc.
This is all I needed to make me feel secure in this decision.
Thanks Jakob, you are the best!

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