Saturday, we took a nice hike/walk at Tryon Creek, it was gorgeous and cool under all the trees (it's been about 80 degrees here). Sarah decided she wasn't going to ride in the backpack, she walked almost the whole way, held hands or ran with her brother. She's going to be a great hiker, just like Jakob.
An attempt at a family photo

Sarah having fun looking up at the tall trees (tees as she calls them).

Love on the trail.

C'mon, hurry up!

Last part of the trail, Daddy carrying the load!

A quick rest before we left. I love this picture - Sarah has had it, her ponytail is pulled out and her hair is so crazy - you know it's naptime when that happens!
it is just so beautiful up there! It was interesting reading you last post about time with just you and jakob because that has been on my mind a lot lately how dakota and me time is going to be so different and so not there for awhile. Cherishing these last couple weeks with just her and I.
I love you hikers!!
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