We had a nice Thanksgiving holiday. Spent Thanksgiving afternoon with the Brink family. The Brinks do their turkey dinner the next day when their whole family can come together, so we joined in with them on Thanksgiving for their
nontraditional family tradition of fajitas and bowling! We had our turkey on Friday, which I cooked in the crock pot (turkey breast) and it actually was edible - a big accomplishment for me! I even made all the sides - except the stuffing - we got that from New Seasons - b/c we liked it so much last year! I made fresh cranberry sauce which was a hit with the kids as well as the yams with marshmallows I think those were their favorites! Anyhow, the meal was enjoyed by all, even Jakob said "I like the meal you made Mommy." Unbelievable! Before we ate on Friday, we spent the morning at the urgent care with Sarah, thought she might have had an ear infection b/c she was inconsolably crying but it ends up she might just be getting molars!
Besides that, it was a nice holiday weekend!
On Friday evening we put up our Christmas decorations, Jakob was SO excited to do this, he's been asking for days to put them up. He even hung some lights on our bushes in front for us, he was quite proud of himself. So I found the elf we had hanging up in our house last year, the "magic elf that watches over children and reports to Santa", well Jakob remembered just who he was. I hung him on our lamp and told Jakob "I wonder if he can move from room to room when we aren't watching him, to check on us." Jakob wasn't so sure about that. Well I moved him to Jakob's door knob and the next morning Jakob was beside himself, "He moved, he can really move by himself, he really does check on us!" I told Jakob I didn't believe this, I would have to see for myself, if he moved to our bedroom than I would believe he was real. Well what do you know he moved last night to our bedroom, Jakob was SO excited, "See he is real!!" I love 5 year
olds, their imagination is amazing and they are so
Bowling on Thanksgiving,
Sarah having a hard time sitting while someone was bowling, she is no doubtingly telling Mark "KNEW" which means "NO" with an attitude!

Sarah and Dillon waiting for the bowling ball to appear
thru that magic ball return machine!

Jakob bowling!

Decorating the tree! Jakob is showing off an ornament that was Mark's as a child! Sarah is quite excited about an ornament that she found - she was excited about all of them, even the tissue paper some were wrapped in, she would say "
OOOOH pretty" to even the paper!

Sarah, attempting to hang an ornament.

Jakob showing off a Star Wars ornament!

Cutie pie, after her bath, checking up on the tree!

Checking in on the prized "Leia" ornament. Jakob put her next to Han, "Just like me and
Kaedyn". (
Kaedyn is his little girl friend from school that dressed up as Leia!)

On Saturday, we took the kids down to the waterfront for a walk/ride in the almost sunshine! Had some hot chocolate at a coffee shop, that makes the cold weather worth it!

Sarah and her
blankie, apparently telling us which way to go!