Yeah, we got a slip and slide for a whole $8.00 at Target. I have such fond memories of playing with one in our front yard, but mine didn't have the pool at the end, nor the sprinklers on the side (basically it was like a long, yellow plastic bag- nice). Instead, we got to slide our bellies from the slick plastic onto the grass - if we got going fast enough - and we did - then put more water on it with the hose.
Well, Jakob is a bit young for it, he didn't like the idea of running and sliding on his belly, but did like sliding on his knees or trying to run on it - which ended up with falling on his butt - didn't really like that. Mark, decided he would take a turn or two to be the example of how to "slip and slide" properly. He was in for an awakening - the hose water was freezing and the landing on the stomach at age 31 vs. age 7 or 8 - not quite the same! Plus, the thing is a lot shorter than I remember (Mark thinks it's because we used it when we were a lot smaller - but I think it is smaller), the picture on the box of course makes it look so long and grand - not so much!
Needless to say it was a short lived slip and slide night, but I'm sure it will make another appearance this summer, when the weather gets warmer and Mark and any other men who have a few beers in them will want to have some sort of childish contest on who can slide the farthest. No way in hell am I going to slide in my swimsuit on that thing - seriously imagine a pasty white, flabby woman sliding on it - oh man that would be a sight! Thank God for Dads!!
That is awesome! It hasn't been warm enough here to do anything. Well, it was warm enough but way too windy. We are off to the sidewalk chalk art festival tomorrow. I know, you are totally upset that you left the Tri-Cities and are going to miss that hot happening event!
So fun :) I love "blast from the past toys" - my brother and sister are the worst, they bought everything that they loved as kids for their kids - lightbrite, the snoopy snow cone machine, easy bake ovens - so funny!
So ya, it's 12am, and I can't sleep so I've been reading over your blog and catching up on your life. Don't know why but the slip and slide post reminded me of the time Christy and Mike were removing their old asphalt driveway and we turned it into mud and mud wrestled right there for the whole neighborhood to see!
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