Playing in the exersaucer

Riding in the stroller with her brother (Jakob calls this the "double decker stroller")

Looking Cute wearing her strawberry hat (Mother's Day at Grand Central Bakery)

Chewing/gnawing/drooling like a fountain, on anything she can get her hands on

Getting used to and/or really annoyed with her super cute sunglasses

Cooing and screaming a lot!! I think people sometimes think we torture her with how loud she sings/coos/screams - she does this usually, right before she falls asleep in the stroller or in the car.

Learning great things from her big brother - like it's fun to pee in the bushes in the backyard - if you're a boy...

Showing off her cute little body in her new swimsuit! I wish she knew this is the only time in her life that cellulite and rolls are very, very cute in a swimsuit!

Learning the fun of sitting in a wading pool in 100 degree weather. (Jakob didn't want to put on his swim trunks - just thought he would play in his clothes - not the battle I wanted to take on!)

Sleeping in her crib, and sharing a room with her big brother. (Yes, Jakob is sleeping upside down - of course). Also, she has perfected her technique of getting her arms out of her swaddling blanket and rolling from back to tummy in the crib, she was in the midst of doing this when I took the picture - this has made the nighttime routine a bit hard as she can't settle herself as easily as when she would stay swaddled.

So, crazy how fast 4 months goes by and how much these sweet things change!
P.S. Congrats to my cousin Monica who had her baby today - Isliana Mae or May (not sure on the middle name spelling) Morris!
7lbs 8.8 oz with a lot of hair - or so I hear! I can't wait to see pics. Sarah and her 2nd cousin are almost exactly 4 months apart - so exciting.
Those cheeks are so cute! It is killing me that she looks exactly like a girly Jakob. Just enough added femininity to not be an exact clone. They are so cute! Happy Four Months Big Girl!
She is so cute. I love the pic at the bakery. Jakob looks like such a big boy, he's going to be a good little sister protector I can just see it. Yea! 4 months.
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