Sarah Makena Watson - the day we left the hospital - not to happy to have been changed into her new outfit!

We made it home around 5:30 pm last night. We introduced Sarah to Roxy first on the lawn, she did very well accepting her into our home, of course she was caught a bit off guard when Sarah started to make noise!

Jakob promptly greeted Sarah with his rocket ship that he built and his little "babies" (kitty cats). Jakob has been great, he kisses her a lot on her head (as he has a cold) and helps me wih getting the nursing pillows, water, diapers etc. He has been acting out to get attention and says a lot of things like "I don't wear diapers... I don't drink from boobs... I have teeth... etc." All to be expected.

We had a pretty rough night last night, Sarah is a night owl and is having a hard time latching on the breast - which makes for a painfully long night. Sarah is a total spitfire and really strong - as we all thought after being in the womb 10 days past her due date and taking 28 hours to get out!
As far as I go, I am doing ok, the nursing is hard work, it's all different than with Jakob. I may have fractured my tailbone in labor - but more likely severely bruised it because it's getting better pretty quickly. I'm taking vicodin for that, but not too much as it makes me a little sick and constipated (in case anyone wanted to know that!). All in all I am glad that I decided on the vbac,it was an amazing experience - but I'm glad I don't have to do it again - at least we don't plan on it! It was way more work than I envisioned (28 hours - come on!!) but seriously life changing!! I'm proud of myself and Mark for sticking in there with me and being an amazing birth partner - very patient and strong to stay awake for all those hours with me! Although, I do have to say that Mark was actually sleeping probably for about 20 minutes or so prior to me dilating to 10 and when they said that I was 9 1/2 cm, he jumped up off the bed, eyes barely open and said "What, what did I miss, what's going on?" I'll never forget it - it was too funny, when he realized it was time, he jumped into action, kept it cool and coached me when needed. I only opened my eyes a few times during pushing to look at the midwife and to look at Mark - my strength. And a tough 1 hour of pushing later and Sarah was born.

Also, Amber made the vbac a wonderful experience for us, she was there to support me but also to support Mark and to get info to all of you on the blog - so great! I know Mark appreciated the massages and the chance to take a nap. I really appreciated the lightheartedness that you brought to the labor and the food and constant help with bringing me the much begged for ice chips and water and of course the arm to rest my head on in between pushes! There are no word to explain how much we appreciate you as a friend - cheers Amber!

Thank goodness my Mom is here to help us, she has been cooking, cleaning and going to the store for us all while playing with Jakob - and getting some baby time! Thank god for Moms!!

Sarah is changing so much so fast, the swelling in her face has gone down so fast. We now realize that she is me in the eyes and eyebrows and Mark in the mouth,chin, toes and hands! She doesn't look as much like Jakob as I originally thought but still in some pictures she does look like him from the side.
Our little loves sleeping today