Well our little surprise baby came out with a surprise too! On September 4th, because of her small size, she was taken via c-section at 9:09 pm - 3 weeks early. I have never been so frightened in my life, remembering how traumatized I was with Jakob's c-section and worried about our new little peanut, I had what was probably a panic attack on the table, but with calming words from Mark and a lot of deep, slow breathing and positive thinking, I made it thru to hear our little one's first cry and saw her sweet little face.
It took a few days to name her, with her little delicate size, many suggestions from hospital staff, family and friends, and family agreement, we named her Lily. I have taken to calling her Lily Bean as she was just a little bean or a jelly bean as the nurses called her, when she was born.
There are no words or maybe too many words to describe my feelings for this little lady. I was so scared and shocked to know that I was having another baby, and now I can't imagine my life without her.
Jakob and Sarah are the best siblings, so caring, gentle and loving with her. I know she was meant to be in our family, she has filled our hearts with whatever was missing, we are truly whole now.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
End of summer...
Summer concert in the park, Sarah rockin' out! She was so excited to be at her first concert, could care less of what the music was, this girl can boogie! I can't wait to take her to a real concert!
Our sweet boy started 2nd grade, how can it be! Here he is walking to school!Jakob taking a goal kick at his 3rd soccer game of the season. He is really getting more confident with his skills, so great!
Outside tonight after dinner, our little roller derby queen!
36 1/2 weeks along, almost ready to pop or so I feel! Notice my little protector by my side, Kona won't leave me alone for a second!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Summer is here...
Slip n slide time!
I have so many fond memories of doing this with my brother, hope the kids do too!
Monday, June 18, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Mommy and the kids time...
Mark is out of town for the weekend, so we are living it up! Well of course we wish he was here with us, but we are making the best of it, a visit to the dog park, a nap, and an evening trip to the zoo, followed by some fast food for dinner - a pregnant woman wants what she wants and the kids didn't put up a fight! We were going to eat at the zoo but the restaurants closed earlier than expected - so fast food it was - the kids had their first Happy Meals, (that they can remember), I do remember giving them one on a road trip from Portland at one point. Anyhow, they enjoyed it for sure and know that Happy Meals are a treat!
Had a fantastic trip to the zoo, the animals are always busy in the evenings, when feeding time is happening. We lucked out and the Bonobo's were seriously putting on a show for us, serious acrobatics happening - the kids and I LOVED it! We felt kind of special too because there weren't many people around. The Bonobos are supposed to be the closest link to humans and we could see why - the brother was tormenting the little sister by chasing her and taking her toy away (a piece of burlap that she wore as a cape). I didn't get any pictures of this chaos it was happening so fast! We also saw the Orangutans putting on quite the show - swinging on ropes and rolling thru the grass, the kids loved that too! Lucky day at the zoo! This was Sarah's first trip to the zoo without a stroller and she was a super trooper, she probably walked a couple miles, she was zonked tonight though. She is really prepping to be a big sister, knowing that the stroller is for babies, she didn't want to bring it. Yay!
Here is Sarah saying, "Thank you Bonobos for the show!" This Bonobo came right up the glass, to Sarah but I wasn't fast enough to get the picture!
Had a fantastic trip to the zoo, the animals are always busy in the evenings, when feeding time is happening. We lucked out and the Bonobo's were seriously putting on a show for us, serious acrobatics happening - the kids and I LOVED it! We felt kind of special too because there weren't many people around. The Bonobos are supposed to be the closest link to humans and we could see why - the brother was tormenting the little sister by chasing her and taking her toy away (a piece of burlap that she wore as a cape). I didn't get any pictures of this chaos it was happening so fast! We also saw the Orangutans putting on quite the show - swinging on ropes and rolling thru the grass, the kids loved that too! Lucky day at the zoo! This was Sarah's first trip to the zoo without a stroller and she was a super trooper, she probably walked a couple miles, she was zonked tonight though. She is really prepping to be a big sister, knowing that the stroller is for babies, she didn't want to bring it. Yay!
Here is Sarah saying, "Thank you Bonobos for the show!" This Bonobo came right up the glass, to Sarah but I wasn't fast enough to get the picture!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Catching up...
Been keeping busy growing a baby, taking care of 2 kiddos, a dog and working full time! Need I say more! :)
We've been having fun too, playing in the yard on warm days, exploring the natural history museum, having dance parties, shopping for the baby(girls night out) and going to baseball games (boys night out)! Oh and we started dog training classes, gonna have a super dog in no time- right?!
We've been having fun too, playing in the yard on warm days, exploring the natural history museum, having dance parties, shopping for the baby(girls night out) and going to baseball games (boys night out)! Oh and we started dog training classes, gonna have a super dog in no time- right?!
Mother/Son day, super fun at the natural history museum - an ice age great white shark - measuring 30-50 feet!
First 3-D movie at the natural history museum - Sea Rex!
18 weeks along!
Can you say, "OH yeah dance party!"
Sprinkler time!
Jakob getting honored at school for being a "Pillar of Respect and Responsibility, so proud of my boy!
Jakob's first Padres game!
Happy Mommies Day
Had a wonderful day! Woke up at 6:30, with voices in the hallway, but then was allowed to sleep in until 8:45, that is unheard of! Thanks to Daddy! I was given breakfast in bed, doughnuts, pancakes and eggs - (what more could a pregnant lady want) oh my! Jakob joined me in bed to eat, luckily he did, all I could fit in my tummy was a doughnut and 1 small pancake - he helped with the rest. He got a big kick out of sitting in bed with me! Sarah had already downed her doughnut, wasn't too keen on sitting while we ate. I was given some of the sweetest gifts and a beautiful starfish necklace from my most amazing hubby!
Spent the afternoon with the in-laws and the nephews, we BBQ'd, managed 4 kiddo nerf gun chaos, and then treated ourselves to chocolate and the Carlsbad Chocolate Bar- YUMMY!
My sweet little blue bird gift from Sarah!
Sweetest note from my sweet boy!
Feeling very loved and so lucky to be a mommy to these amazing kiddos!
Spent the afternoon with the in-laws and the nephews, we BBQ'd, managed 4 kiddo nerf gun chaos, and then treated ourselves to chocolate and the Carlsbad Chocolate Bar- YUMMY!
My sweet little blue bird gift from Sarah!
And our newest gift! Sweet baby girl Watson!!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Happy Spring!
To celebrate the coming of spring we took a trip to the Safari Wild Animal Park and saw the butterflies!
The kids got up close and personal with them!
The kids got up close and personal with them!
Oh, and Sarah got her face painted for the first time, I was so proud of how long she stayed so still for the woman painting her face!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Baby Watson #3 update
Well, it's really happening, there is an actual baby in there! 12 weeks 4 days along to be exact! The nausea is subsiding during the day, still not feeling well in the afternoon/evenings but still a lot better - the last 6 weeks have not been great by any stretch of the means. Meanwhile this little person is just kicking back in the uterus!! Literally this baby had it's hands up by it's head, can't see them here. Can't wait to meet you little person!! Jakob and Sarah both gasped at this picture, I think it's finally real for them too!

Friday, March 2, 2012
Oh the changes and catching up to do!
It's been so long since I updated this blog, Wow time flies!
Sarah and her super friends!
Sarah's home made cape
The BIG 4
Wonder Woman cake - or Super Sarah cake!

Let's see, well we also got a dog - Kona - a little shepherd mutt doggie that was rescued from the streets of Fresno! She is a puppy with lots of puppy energy, the kids ADORE her. I over heard Jakob one day laying on the floor with her saying, "Kona you are my best buddy."

Let's see what else, well one more big change in our lives, I'm 10.5 weeks pregnant! Yep, we found out on Sarah's 4th bday and were in a state of shock, but now a state of excitement. I've been quite sick and sleepy (therefore no blog posts in the evenings) but it is subsiding slowly!

Hoping to see baby Watson 3 arrive around Sept. 29th! The kids are pretty excited, well Sarah sure is, all I hear about every single day is how babies grow and how much stuff we need to get for the baby, "Mommy babies grow in the tummy... don't lay on your tummy you'll squish the baby...we will need to buy diapers and toys...I will share my clothes with the baby...when I get bigger I will grow a baby too...etc." On Valentine's day Sarah said, "Mommy you don't have to get Daddy something, you already got him something special, your baby." So sweet. I think this is a dream come true for her, a real life baby coming to our family!
Where to start...
Sarah turned the BIG 4 and had a super fun super hero party, we had 20 kids, yes 20 kids in our house, thank GOD the rain stopped that morning and we were able to have a bounce house!
We played pin the tail on the super donkey, freeze dance and pass the cryptonite. We made superhero capes and ate a wonder woman cake that Grandma K. so amazingly made for Sarah!

Let's see, well we also got a dog - Kona - a little shepherd mutt doggie that was rescued from the streets of Fresno! She is a puppy with lots of puppy energy, the kids ADORE her. I over heard Jakob one day laying on the floor with her saying, "Kona you are my best buddy."

Let's see what else, well one more big change in our lives, I'm 10.5 weeks pregnant! Yep, we found out on Sarah's 4th bday and were in a state of shock, but now a state of excitement. I've been quite sick and sleepy (therefore no blog posts in the evenings) but it is subsiding slowly!

Hoping to see baby Watson 3 arrive around Sept. 29th! The kids are pretty excited, well Sarah sure is, all I hear about every single day is how babies grow and how much stuff we need to get for the baby, "Mommy babies grow in the tummy... don't lay on your tummy you'll squish the baby...we will need to buy diapers and toys...I will share my clothes with the baby...when I get bigger I will grow a baby too...etc." On Valentine's day Sarah said, "Mommy you don't have to get Daddy something, you already got him something special, your baby." So sweet. I think this is a dream come true for her, a real life baby coming to our family!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Catching up
Christmas flew by, it was such a great one! The kids both really BELIEVE this year, without question. This year Santa left foot prints and cookie crumbs in our house too!
We were lucky enough to have Nana and Papa come and stay with us and witness the excitement, joy and chaos that is Christmas morning!
It all started at 5:51 am (this is the before picture)
Almost after - about 6:08 a.m. - just the Santa gifts opened
Jakob was on the good list this year and got the skateboard he asked for!
Somehow this one made it on the good list too! She got her (free wheeled scoota) 3 wheeled scooter that she asked for.
Putting the presents to good use - 9 am
Sunset on Christmas day!
The ladies!
Nana and Papa got us Twister, super fun, just not as big as I remember it! Nana and Jakob just starting their Twister challenge!
Santa brought us the Michael Jackson Wii game, also a great game for the family - Mark was roped into playing it, didn't want to be beaten by his daughter!! Good times!
All in all a wonderful holiday!!
We were lucky enough to have Nana and Papa come and stay with us and witness the excitement, joy and chaos that is Christmas morning!
It all started at 5:51 am (this is the before picture)

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