1 hour of waiting, a small snack in the belly, 8 three year olds were being kept in a room with 50 or so other girls (older and more patient), all of them being told "Don't mess up your hair, don't roll on the ground, don't touch her head band, don't scream etc. etc. etc., " all of them on the verge of shear meltdown, until they were finally called to the stage waiting area! This is where the meltdowns did ensue, some screaming, "I want to dance!" "I don't want to go without you Mommy!" "I want to go now", just some of the things that were being said seconds before they got all lined up on stage. These poor little girls have no idea what to expect, have no clue what a stage even is, but all managed to perform their little hearts out - maybe not the exact choreography that they were taught, but they performed!!
Sarah absolutely LOVED being on stage, she did NOT want to get off!
I know she tried her hardest, she kept moving and twirling to the point where we thought she might twirl off stage - she sure gave it her all!
Headed to the recital!

Just lined up on stage!

Getting ready for the Tinkerbell ballet debut!

Jakob did his part in the recital - he was a "walker" for the bridal party dancers - he walked a couple little girls out to the wedding march - you should have heard the crowd sigh! So CUTE!
I know this is a blurry picture, but that kid was moving so fast, I couldn't capture his face!
Just a few more quick videos! Enjoy Mom!