Monday, July 5, 2010

Sarah funnies..

I forget to write the things she says down, so here are a few gems:
"I peed in the potty, so the kitty could see me, I a big girl." (Visited Amber and Josh's new kittens and indeed the kitten was interested and was quite the motivator for her to pee in the potty).
"I pee in the grass like Dillon too?", and that she did, she is ready for camping now. How is it that she is so hard to potty train, so darn hard headed about not sitting on the potty, but she will pee in the grass on command - unbelievable!
"You don't poop on the curtains, or your shirt or in your eyes..." random poop observations.
"I am a monkey man!", she is still declaring this when she hangs upside down or twists wildly on any bar she can get her hands on, today she made 2 boys crack up when she yelled that.
"My tummy hurts, I ate too much fruit...(2 seconds later) can I have mo' watomelon?"

I don't have a picture of this yet, but I took Sarah to Target for a few things, we stopped in the clothing section and they are having some great deals on dresses etc. right now, she of course didn't like any of the ones I showed her, but was adamant on taking her shoes and skirt off in the store - which she did do as I foolishly turned my back on her - then she proceeded to beg me for a Run DMC shirt that has a fake gold necklace iron on, on it - can't wait to take a pic of her in it!! Side note, Sarah never has her shoes on, she takes them off at first chance.

The sun hasn't been out much this year here, Sarah has apparently taken notice to that, she yells every morning "The sun is out, it's sunny today!" Poor girl, she is a California girl at heart.

She is really into playing make up, she has a pretend make up set we just found for her at the resale shop - Jakob picked it out for her, now she stands at the mirror with me doing her make up, but every time asks, "Can I put this make up brush in my nose?"

Have to stop typing now, she is waking up from her nap, that she refuses to take daily then sleeps for more than 2 hours, and is now yelling, "Mama Mama Mama, I woked up!"

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