Well all in all we had a nice weekend, lots of sunny weather - the last for awhile I think.
Took the kids to a new park (one we haven't been to), has a lake and a nice walking path. Jakob rode his bike, Sarah pushed her baby in the baby stroller. We fed the ducks, and did a lot of chasing Sarah away from the geese that were hissing at her - as she was trying to touch them!

Sarah had more than her fare share of tantrums, this is the stage we are in now - throwing herself down - she is just starting one in this picture - it looks way worse than this, and is quite loud - with a lot of kicking! Real nice in public!

I found this baby cradle at the resale shop, and I had to get it, Sarah is totally into babies right now. She spent at least 20 minutes with the cradle, putting all her babies inside of it, one by one, wrapping them in a blanket etc. Here she is going to take babies temperature which she calls a "beep beep" because that's what the thermometer does!

We gave Jakob his 5th Birthday gift a bit early, so he could enjoy it in the sunshine! A new bike! He is riding it at 8:30 am, in his pj shirt and jeans, no time to really change, he had to get on it! He knew he was getting a bike, so the surprise of the bike was pretty anti climactic for Mark and I, we were hoping for a bigger response, he was very subdued about the whole thing. Could have been the coming down from this sugar high, from the chocolate chip pancakes I made for breakfast!

We took the kids to the beach today, it was sunny but really windy and cold, but of course it was hot as soon as you got off the sand where the wind was. The kids had a blast.