I think I am about 34 weeks along now, here is the latest on my belly! Jakob likes to poke my belly button, he thinks he is poking the baby's "foot". I feel like I can't possibly get any bigger, but I'm sure I will, this little girl is quite active in there and is starting to cause a bit of reflux at night - wonderful! She is positioned head down and her bottom and feet rest on my right side/rib area, just like Jakob was.

SO. CUTE. OMG. Sososossoso cute.
Remember how you were complaining that the next few months were no longer the good cute pregnant and instead they would be the big bigger bad ugly yucky pregnant (paraphrasing here of course)? Well, you were wrong. You look adorable. Completely and totally. And not huge at all (in person or on camera).
By the way, where in your house are these photos taken? It looks like some sort of wood paneled 1970's room, which to my knowledge does not exist in your current domicile... I so confused.
Hopefully those papaya enzymes will keep helping with the reflux (shout out to Julie at the Coffee Bean, as Mark said). Next time we dine together I promise not to serve you a meal full of indigestion-assuring carbs and vinegared chutney, etc etc!
Thank you for all the compliments, I REALLY appreciate them!
The pics were taken in our bedroom up against our green curtains - the curtains are textured and in black and white I can see how it looks like paneling - too funny. I could have told you it was a secret room in our creepy basement!
I just started taking Pepcid, the papaya wasn't cutting it. Seems to be working ok.
Jess these pictures are awesome! You look perfect!! Bummer that you are having reflux is the Rx working?
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