We just got back from our trip to Sun River for Thanksgiving. We went with Ian and baby Dillon (and parents Julie and Peter), the boys were pretty wild!
We had Thanksgiving dinner in the lodge and it was wonderful, the boys did so great in the nice restaurant and actually ate a lot of their dinner. Of course the adults loved not cooking and consuming really great food and wine. Saturday, Julie and I went for massages and then we took the boys to what we thought was going to be sleigh rides, but they sold out of tickets - it was seriously a madhouse, we waited outside in the freezing cold forever, so we ended up going back to our room until the fireworks started and the Dad's took the boys outside for that - Jakob missed Santa's grand entrance to the resort - but he doesn't know that! Sunday morning, Julie and I took the boys to breakfast with Santa, they were very excited to see Santa, until they actually saw him and all of a sudden they were attached to their Mommies! We attempted to get them on Santa's lap right at the start of breakfast because they were so excited and there wasn't a line, well that didn't work. Jakob stood about 4 feet away and said "I want trains" and then "Merry Christmas" and took off. Santa knew that the mommies really wanted pictures of the boys with him, so he snuck up behind them as they were eating - but as you can see in the picture, they weren't impressed - they didn't even know he was there, but also didn't smile for the camera. I showed them the picture of Santa behind them, and they couldn't believe he was in the picture with them, so with a lot of convincing that Santa was a really nice guy, Jakob got up to sit next to him but on my lap - well still no smile - he was pretty scared. Santa was great though, was asking Jakob what kind of trains he wants and if he wanted a baby sister - Jakob replied, "I have Gordon...I want an electric train and a baby sister." Too cute!
It was a quick trip with not a lot of sleep and a lot of parenting happening of the 3 year olds - Dillon on the other hand, is a super champ baby - he was awesome!
Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving!