I took Jakob in for his 3 year check up yesterday, he was so good! He did everything the nurse told him to do and when Dr. Amundson came in, Jakob greeted him with "Hi Doctor, I'm 3 years old now". Jakob really likes his Pediatrician, he is so good with him, The doctor was asking Jakob where his body parts were and Jakob of course knows where everthing is and informed him that, "food goes in your mouth, down down down to your tummy and out your buns!" The kid knows the basics I guess.
Jakob told the nurse that he was going to have a baby sister and when asked what we will name her he said "Dumptruck." I had heard that he said this from one of his preschool teachers, but hadn't actually heard it come from his mouth! The nurse died laughing and said "That's very interesting but it's kind of a long name," Jakob's reply "That's ok, I like it."
So, apparently Dumptruck is in the running!!
Jakob's physical went well, he is in the 75th for height and 85th for weight - the kid grew 5 inches since last year - amazing, I always have thought of him as being so small, because he always has been on that side - but he's catching up. Although, I don't really think he'll be that tall - we'll see. Jakob got his Hep A and his flu shot yesterday - in his arms, he was so good, but asked "Why did she poke me?" and cried quite a bit with the flu shot. He got his Hep A and didn't really know what to expect, the MD had said that they were out of flu vaccine so I got him dressed, then the nurse came back and said they just deilvered a shipment, so I got his arm out of his shirt and he was trembling in anticipation of the shot - soooo sad! So, I think that's more of why he cried so much w/the flu shot - also because it was cold. But, he recovered once he saw that he got a lollipop and a dinosaur - plus I bought him a little dinosaur movie as a reward - this kid gets it all when it comes to being good at the Doctor's office - bribery works!