Sunday, January 9, 2011

Fun weekend with old friends!

The Sula-Goff family came down for a visit this weekend. We figured out that we have known eachother for about 16 years, and our friendship is just as strong now, even after being away for 6 years. Feels so right being back here with them, even better that our kiddos all mesh together as if they've known eachother for that long too.

The whole crazy gang at La Jolla cove, up close and personal with the seals.
Emilie (4) and Sarah, a sweet and silly pair - here they turned away from me and said "Cheese" to the seals!

Our first trip to the SD zoo, and wouldn't you know it, a camel walked right by us! Sarah LOVES camels, she hopped out of her stroller and had a grin from ear to ear, and then yelled, "Hey look at that camel's silly bum!" That's my girl!
Jakob is serious about animal watching! I don't have any pics of his favorite part of the day - watching a Condor eat a rabbit and an eagle eat a rodent - nature at it's best.
Ezra (20 months). Jakob loves Ezra, he told Mark, "I want a little brother, just like this one!" Jakob had Ezra laughing hysterically last night, can't wait to see their friendship grow.
Emilie and Sarah, at the zoo
Had a ton of fun, can't wait until the next time!

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