The whole crazy gang at La Jolla cove, up close and personal with the seals.
Emilie (4) and Sarah, a sweet and silly pair - here they turned away from me and said "Cheese" to the seals!

Our first trip to the SD zoo, and wouldn't you know it, a camel walked right by us! Sarah LOVES camels, she hopped out of her stroller and had a grin from ear to ear, and then yelled, "Hey look at that camel's silly bum!" That's my girl!
Jakob is serious about animal watching! I don't have any pics of his favorite part of the day - watching a Condor eat a rabbit and an eagle eat a rodent - nature at it's best.
Ezra (20 months). Jakob loves Ezra, he told Mark, "I want a little brother, just like this one!" Jakob had Ezra laughing hysterically last night, can't wait to see their friendship grow.
Emilie and Sarah, at the zoo
Had a ton of fun, can't wait until the next time!

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