My parents flew in last Saturday, to surprise the kids! It has been great having them here to celebrate with us, they haven't been with us on Christmas or us with them since Jakob was just over a year old. We've been busy doing lots of fun things, like going to the park, hiking, swimming, visited Santa, done some baking, ice skating, went to the Pittock Mansion (gorgeous but a nightmare with Sarah - will have to go back without her!), opened lots of presents on Xmas eve, more from Santa on Xmas day and then off to Mt. Hood for a day of sledding. Now here are a ton of photos per usual!
Nana and Papa surprising the kids as Santa and Rudolph! Sarah was freaked and Jakob was SO excited, he couldn't believe they were here and that Santa brought them on his sleigh - Santa had a lot of grandparents to drop off on surprise visits! Jakob didn't even go to look out the window to see the sleigh, he knew that Santa wouldn't want that!

The kids and the grandparents at Santa land - this is after Sarah had a major meltdown when I tried to set her on Santa's lap, I ended up sitting in Santa's chair with her and Jakob! Too funny! "NO SANTA NO SANTA" then when we left she sweetly waved and said "Bye bye Santa".

Nana and Jakob ice skating!

Baking cookies for Santa! Notice Sarah's face, she just snuck a chocolate chip!

Opening presents on Xmas eve - Jakob in his new Knight's outfit!

Sarah and the baby gang, she seriously scored on the babies!!

Sarah and her new tutu, showing off her ballet moves.

Jakob's letter to Santa: " Santa This is your presesnt for your hard work. I have been very good!"

Christmas morning, notice the foot prints, b/c Jakob did not until I pointed them out. Then he decided that he better taste what was on the floor "Hmm, doesn't taste like anything" (baking soda) "Santa doesn't clean up after himself very good".

Jakob's "real tools"

Sledding at Mt. Hood, Sarah did not enjoy sledding like Jakob did at this age, but really liked watching everyone else make a fool of themselves going down the hill - including Nana and Papa - what sports! We didn't make it more than an hour in the snow with her

Sarah, stuck in the snow!

Jakob, the dare devil!

Sled ride with Daddy

Inside Timberline Lodge

The view from Timberline Lodge

Mt. Hood