We spent what seems like an eternity waiting for her to arrive (10 days past my due date and 28 hours of labor, to be exact) and now she is already 1 and walking, and kind of talking! It breaks my heart how fast time goes by!
Here is a recap of her first days! These are my favorite pics.
I think I'm about 36 weeks pregnant here - minus the 10 days that I was overdue!

Proud parents and an even prouder Mama after a successful V-bac!

Cutie Pie!

Jakob's first kiss for his sister.

On your first birthday...
We celebrated with the Schroeder family (Wendy, Joe and Abby), who took the train down from Sequim, WA. We took the kids to the OMSI museum in the am, attempted naps but Sarah decided not to take a real nap - of course! Later in the afternoon, we had a small party, complete with cake and chocolate icing! Sarah was tired and a bit zoned out when the cake was in front of her, but oh no that didn't stop her from eating it!
Before preschool/daycare on Friday, all dressed up - where they had a little party for her.

At the OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry), with Jakob and Abby - this is really the only picture I have of the 3 of them!

Well, all right I guess I'll try it, if I have too!

Scarfing the cake, while basically laying in her high chair!

The whole crazy family!

Sarah, you are the most amazing little person, you literally came out of me with your arm pushing forward (you will pay for that later - ha!), as if you were flying like Superwoman or saying "Power to all women", or "I'm coming, watch out", or "Listen, I'll do it when I want to", or "Get me out of here, I've got things to do and people to see" or "Finally world, I'm here"! Whatever it was that you were thinking while pushing your way out of me, you are the strongest, most determined little person and have been since day 1! I LOVE that about you and always will, and will have to constantly remind myself of that when you are a teenager! There are many other things we love about you too - you are so goofy (Jakob is always asking, "How long do you think Sarah will be goofy for? Her whole life?" and I say, "Yep, her whole life!"). You are so happy and always smiling and giggling, you LOVE your brother, love other kids, LOVE to dance and sing (which obviously, you get those talents from me!), already have a sassy attitude (which of course you get that from me too - or so your Dad says), you have the best appetite (umm...me too? except for your love of meat - that's from your Dad), and already seem to absolutely love all there is to life!
Sarah, my Birthday wish for you is that you stay as brave and as determined as you are right now, you are going to be one strong and powerful woman - look out world!
Happy Birthday Sarah and mommy. What a beautiful post made me cry. So is her birthday the 18th that is dakota's she turned four and I cried. Don't know if it is the pregnancy hormones but I don't think so.
Her Birthday is the 17th. I understand the crying, I actually cried when Jakob turned 1, and probably will when he turns 5! I actually held it together for Sarah's bday! Can't wait to hear about your pregnancy!!
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