It's been so long since I updated this blog, Wow time flies!
Where to start...
Sarah turned the BIG 4 and had a super fun super hero party, we had 20 kids, yes 20 kids in our house, thank GOD the rain stopped that morning and we were able to have a bounce house!
We played pin the tail on the super donkey, freeze dance and pass the cryptonite. We made superhero capes and ate a wonder woman cake that Grandma K. so amazingly made for Sarah!
Sarah and her super friends!

Sarah's home made cape

The BIG 4

Wonder Woman cake - or Super Sarah cake!

Let's see, well we also got a dog - Kona - a little shepherd mutt doggie that was rescued from the streets of Fresno! She is a puppy with lots of puppy energy, the kids ADORE her. I over heard Jakob one day laying on the floor with her saying, "Kona you are my best buddy."

Let's see what else, well one more big change in our lives, I'm 10.5 weeks pregnant! Yep, we found out on Sarah's 4th bday and were in a state of shock, but now a state of excitement. I've been quite sick and sleepy (therefore no blog posts in the evenings) but it is subsiding slowly!

Hoping to see baby Watson 3 arrive around Sept. 29th! The kids are pretty excited, well Sarah sure is, all I hear about every single day is how babies grow and how much stuff we need to get for the baby, "Mommy babies grow in the tummy... don't lay on your tummy you'll squish the baby...we will need to buy diapers and toys...I will share my clothes with the baby...when I get bigger I will grow a baby too...etc." On Valentine's day Sarah said, "Mommy you don't have to get Daddy something, you already got him something special, your baby." So sweet. I think this is a dream come true for her, a real life baby coming to our family!