Mark ran his first 1/2 marathon last weekend - I took the kids to the beach - we cheered him on from afar! Truth is, to get the kids up and out early enough to see him run is impossible!
Anyway here is proof that Mark ran his tail off - great job Daddy O, we are so proud of your hard work! What a great example you are for our kiddos!

Here is what the kids were doing to cheer you on - there own hard work - a little corn doggin' down a sandy hill!

We celebrated Easter with a very fun filled weekend - ballet class, followed by an Easter Egg hunt, egg dying, a kindergarten party at Pump it Up, and dinner/drinks at Stone Brewery - that was just Saturday! I just have to add in, one of my favorite things from Saturday is walking in the door and seeing the kids hanging all over their Uncle Jeff - he had them laughing so hard, we were laughing too - so cute! Thanks Jeff, what a great Uncle!
We spent Easter Sunday having a late breakfast, lazy morning in front of the TV, watching a nature movie with my family, then headed to dinner with Mark's side of the family. We haven't had this much family fun on Easter in I don't know how long! What a great weekend - minus one tiny detail - Sarah threw up on Saturday night (1 a.m.) - I think that cured her of wanting to eat all her candy at one time - not sure if this was the cause of it, but it did teach her this lesson!
So, needless to say we are hurting for some sleep right about now!
Here's Sarah searching for some eggs, she was so funny, running super fast into the field only to realize the eggs were all around her. I thought she was going to fall over face first here after she stopped dead in her tracks to grab an egg!

And just a little p.s.
I just read that "Easter" was originally a celebration of spring or fertility, where eggs were dedicated to "Eastre" the goddess of fertility - and I would say that our "Easter" was a great celebration of family and our own line of life or fertility - Thanks family!