This is what Sarah so sweetly said to me as she helped herself to my breakfast in bed!! Jakob said, "Mommy isn't this the best Mother's Day for you, I didn't wake you up, you get a yummy breakfast in bed, I'm cleaning up your dishes and we are going to eat donuts and go to the park!!" Sounds like it was pretty exciting for him too!
We did just that, we ate donuts from my favorite little Gelato shop in our old neighborhood, they also make the best homemade donuts, I love the chocolate ginger! Jakob had the "Prince of Darkness" (chocolate donut/chocolate sprinkles/frosting), Sarah had the "Fairy Princess" or to her "the pink one".

We headed to the Sellwood park, it seriously was too hot to go to the park the kids wanted too, no shade and my body is not ready for this weather yet!!
The constant challenging/fighting between these kids (as you can see below), didn't stop even in honor of Mother's Day! AAH!

An attempt a nice pic with both kids...

Thanks to my wild kids for letting me be their Mom, it's seriously endless work, but it is so worth it to see their sweet, caring, goofy, smiling faces everyday!
And thanks to their Daddy for the wonderful present (letting me sleep in, breakfast, dishes done, house straightened up and a gift cert. for a manicure!), you are SO wonderful!
Oh and thanks for letting me have a break, on Mother's Day no less, away from the kids and out shopping with Amber, it was a fantastic break!
A special thanks to my Mom and My Grandma for always giving me an amazing example of how to be a loving, strong, kind and a caring Mother.